Monday 25 October 2010

To establish the proportion of squatting

Adaptive .1 Special populations entrances are wheelchair accessible toilets ccess ramp, and in accordance with national standards for ramp design, toilet and toilet room within the ground need to be accessible. with at least one old toilet seat toilet seat, equipped with standard handrails frame Luxury Water Block the toilet, men and women each have a toilet, toilet seat toilet seat arrangements should be in all male and female toilets near the entrance. disabled the toilet seat: at least set up a toilet seat, equipped with standard handrails Luxury Water Saving Toilet aircraft, men and women each have a toilet, the toilet door is open and outside, male and female toilet toilet seat arrangement near the entrance. Urinal: meet the criteria for people with disabilities, Christian Louboutin with handrails, male urinals not less than one. .4 lind Braille labeling and discretion as conditions. Children infant health units: the discretion of visual conditions. maternal and child separate bathroom: as conditions for discretion.
urinals for children: as the conditions of discretion. toilet seat toilet seat ratio men and women the proportion of the toilet seat not including urinals for men: Block, to establish the proportion of squatting: at least stool toilet seat building the toilet Moncler Men seat stool Area: 4 square meters. water closet stool bit use area: not less than 3 meters long, 0 m wide. stool toilet seat Monitor: configuration display, which can be open at least . stool in the toilet seat should be called the device: as the conditions of allocation.

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